Love is a universal emotion and all of us know that. It has been, is, and always be in vogue- probably the basis of even this bizarre consumer times, where just about anything and every product has its love value- this is what it gets reduced to, after all. To make your dear one or that special one feel the feel of special is no longer restrained to birthdays and anniversaries.

These are bold times, open times, so just about any time is the right time for any gesture or expression of love! One gesture and expression that has retained its place all along is the symbol of the heart! Of what started out as a rather shy and restrained way to show one’s interest and inclination for one’s ‘eyed’ one (live in the romantic sense, please!), whether as a matter of initializing the relationship or acknowledgement of with due (and undue? No, there are no ‘undue occasions or undue times for expressing love any longer) regularity. In times when the demands of the professional pressures have made everybody busy and restrained in one’s domain of work space, the direct occasions to express have been truly pressed for! But that is not to be treated as a point of pressure, thanks to the technology, as it can be but steered all the way to ensure the constant “expression of hearting” going all the way, emoting your feelings the technology way! What better way to express your love with a modern day touch?
The Computer Keyboard: Expressing your ‘heart’ is those few punches away now!
Well, that is where the whole idea cropped up, to convey a simple “Miss you”, or “thinking of you” kind of emotions! As the technology was slowly spreading its wings with the growing pace of times, the gush of the heart’s desire also could not be contained! So, as much as the technology started to come up with solutions to many a situation, the romance never took a back seat in this whole set up.
With the heart shape being considered the ultimate way to express the depth of one’s feel, people actually went out and came up with a solution to make a heart shape using the keyboard. For, that was the only ingredient missing in the “techno-romance” ambience. It was as if you bought the best of the gifts, but the wrapper… you could write the best of the messages, but could not seal it the proper way.
There are possible scenarios in terms of using the keyboard to draw the heart shape.
For a PC with a separate Keyboard
Do you have a personal computer with a separate keyboard? In this a few steps are required:
- Open the appropriate Program: Sometimes certain programs don’t recognize this method. So, ensure your PC is equipped the requisite program to implementing this ‘hearty’ issue.
- Hold down the Alt key: Press down the Alt button on the keyboard.
- Press ‘3’: Now along with pressing the Alt button, press the 3 button on the keyboard.
- Now, you see the heart taking its shape!
On your Laptop
For getting the heart shape on a laptop, these are the steps that are required to be followed:
- Press the Fn button.
- Now, press the Alt key, while still holding the Fn button.
- Now, hit the ‘L’ button that stands for the number 3 (on the main keyboard).
- And now your heart is all ready to go!
Be sure of one thing while applying these methods that hold all of the buttons together and not release them one by one. Because then the herat shape would not appear and you would have to repeat the procedure.If you are one of those who is not satisfied with the popping up of a single heart symbol, then try various combinations keeping Alt button as the base. You’d be surprised by the sheer variety of ‘mixes and matches’ in result!
So, do not hold back your heart filled desires to express your love and heartfelt feelings to your sweetheart. Just go Alt-3, and you’ve done it all! The heart shape: It says it all that is why…! What are you still waiting for?