History of the heart symbol

Saying that there is a history attached to the heart would both be correct and ambiguous too! For the process of evolution of the human race for sure proves it true, in the process of biological sense; but on the very being of the ‘heart’ is much older and ancient, in the more sublime sense. The heart symbol has been considered the closest to the intangible extension to the romantic side of the human kind. And, it is not just a figment of imagination in a serendipitous moment, but has a whole lot of study related to it. In fact, there have been many an interpretation of the various aspects of this universal expression of love, and how did it gain the position that it has been consistently enjoying for quite a while now.

The long voyage this symbol has covered

The first traceable symbol of the heart, as it is known now, dates back to as long as the thirteenth century. But traversing a couple of centuries, namely the 14 and the 15, it was much in the 16 century the heart symbol finally settled itself as the hallmark of professing and proposing symbol of to your sweetheart! Though the geometric shape of the heart symbol was established much before, as heart was considered to have four chambers, the two auricles and the two ventricles. Yet, over a period of time this assumed the sublime expression of the emotions of the heart, as it was always a trend to ‘blame’ the heart of the passions and various emotions felt by the human mind!

The many comparisons of the Heart symbols

What do you think about the heart shaped symbol? From pink hearts to the blood red heart, from an arrow pierced through it to more, there are various interpretations to this symbol and equally many an associations too. Some of the well known are:
The Woman’s physiology: This may sound perverted but is actually bears a lot of close association with the heart symbol. The love conveyed to these symbols has been exclusively of the romance kinds. And in those times, it was the male duty and expectation only from the men to take the initiative for its conveyance- to his sweetheart (this would not by any means belittle his being one!) of his deepest feelings! If closely analyzed, the curves are a sure resemblance to a woman’s curves- bith her buttocks and her breasts. As has been an obsession and the privileged gender- the one to have curves as the main attraction of her physical being, these curves of the heart symbol being equated with the inspiration coming from her curves are definitely not an exaggeration, and for sure, not of a perverted mind!

Human kissing: As much has been kissing an innate part of the expression of love all along the human history, it has been objectively deduced that the most appropriate (a possibly the classical one too!) has the ‘shape’ of the curves of a heart symbol. When such a curvaceous angle is reached, the two lovers can look for and express the deep felt love for their sweethearts to the maximum. Hence, this possible equation of the perfect human kissing to the heart symbol.
A couple of swans: This seems to be a farfetched a relation, but has been deduced after an appropriate series of observing these birds. The typical picture of two swans in their mating pose is very much akin to the curves of the heart symbol. They have been taken as the ideal ones for comparison, as they are monogamous and over protective about their mates. That gives the connotation its very ‘creation-like’ meaning!

Silphium: As technical as this sounds, but it is a unique type of herb which was used in the bygone times as a contraceptive and to get rid of unwanted pregnancies. Probably, this ‘fertile and virile’ feature has made this comparison of its shape that too is curvaceous!

Whatever be the reason to term the heart symbol as the ultimate expression of love, today it has taken a digitalized look – getting passed through smart phones, emails, and even social media sites. Whatever be it, hope the history of it further enriches the weight of your love!

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